

This archive contains four demo programs published in
Personal Computer Games cover cassette December 1984.

Backpacker's Guide to the Universe
by Fantasy

Fantasy's hero Ziggy must explore 256 locations of a
strange planet searching for creatures to help him save
the universe. Trying to work out how to get the creatures
back to his space capsule presents him with serious problems
because bringing most of them into contact with each other
will have disastrous consequences.
The game uses two different programs, one of the actual game,
the other 'the Backpackers Guide' - galactic ensyclopedia
offering valuable hints about the behaviour of each creature.
The demo program will show you some pages of the guide.

Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau
by Creative Sparks

This is the follow-up to Danger Mouse in Double Trouble.
It is a menu-driven adventure so you don't have to type in
instructions. The program allows you to play some 20
different locations, each with its own illustration.
In each location, the situation facing Danger Mouse is
described and several choices are flashed onto the screen.
You select one of the choices and the program will respond

by Micromega

This demo will show you all 22 screens with tigers, rabbits
and other creatures which populate the game.
You will be able to play one of the screens.
What you must do is to take part of Jasper, a lovable mouse,
collect certain objects on the screen, such as an umbrella
and a can of weed-killer, and work out what to do with them.


A       Left
S       Right
1-5     Use object in box 1-5
6-0     Music on/off
Y-P     Jump
H-Enter Crouch/Down
B-Space Pick up object
Q-T+1-5 Drop object in box number 1-5

To swing on a rope you must jump toward it and then hold down
the 'pick up' key to grab on it.

by Virgin

This arcade-adventure features a mysterious robot-factory
with some 240 different weird and wonderful rooms.
The demo program will show you some screenshots
of the game.
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