

Starglider 2 by Argonaut Software 1988, Published by Rainbird Software.

This is the 128k version of Starglider 2.

The idea behind the game is to build a weapon to destroy the space station that
the Egrons are constructing (which is orbiting Q-BETA, the lone moon of Aldos).

To build the weapon, your task is to visit the differant service depot's in the 
Solice System.  In the depots, you will find parts for the weapon, as well as
differant weapons and parts for the Icarus (your ship).  You may have to trade
somthing, or perform some sort of service for depot engineers.

All the task's you need to perform in the game are avalible from service depots.

Service depots look like a small hump on the planet surface.  Fly down into
the centre of the hump, and you should appear inside a tunnel network.  Here you
will have to find the depot entrance.  Once found fly upto it SLOWLY and you 
will dock there.

Sometimes, you may have to find a person, or object on the current planet.  
Use the tractor beam to collect object such as these.

Refuelling the Icarus.

You have 4 ways of refuelling you ship :

1) Fly close to Solice One (the star of the system).  Don't get too close!!

2) Tractor beam an asteroid, then destroy it (while in tractor beam) too
   'suck-up' emissions.

3) Fly slowly over some power lines while on a planet.

4) Hover above a volcano (not very safe!!)

You can tell when the above are working when the green indicates move on the
side of the screen.

Inter-planetary travel.

Flying between planets is a must in Starglider 2.  To leave a planet simply fly
up, until you reach space !!

Entering a planets atmosphere is the opposite of above (note : you can't enter 
the atmosphere of Millway (the largest planet in the system). ).

I think thats about all the basics.  I have included a .doc file, which contains
the keyguide for the spectrum, and also a .gif which is the loading screen (sorry
I could not get it on the snap!).

Oh, one more think before I go, try flying near Millway and have a listen to
the 'Space Whale' song.  Also, try flying into the sun for an excellent 'melting'


The Mad Hacker.
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