

City Of Death Pack

Compiled by Kev Watkins

I'm fairly new to the internet, and was just
surfing through some Speccy pages the  other
day when I happened to notice a  Missing  In
Action section. The first game I noticed was
one of the first I ever bought - way back in
1984 for the price of รบ9.95. That  game  was
City Of Death by Red Shift. As it  had  been
missing for so long, I thought I should  put
together a  pack  containing  more  or  less
everything to do with the game. And here  it


City Of Death.Z80     )   The  game  itself,
                      >   in  two  different
City Of Death.SNA     )   formats.

Manual.TXT - A copy of  the  text  from  the
             manual. As close as possible to
             the original  layout.  (Limited
             due to being in  ASCII  format.
             the lines  are  their  original
             length, which is why they  look

Readme.TXT - Err... You're looking at it.

Screen$.GIF - The original loading screen.

Box.JPG - A picture of the game's box.

Manual.JPG - A picture of the manual's front

Note that the pictures were  taken  with  my
Dad's digital camera, so the  quality  might
not be up to much. And if you want to know
what is written on the back of the box, here
goes (Formatted as it appears on the box):

...SWORDBANE fell on to the ground,
practically to the edge of deadly
unconsciousness... OBIA continued to
hammer SWORDBANE's shield... He felt the
metal crushing like foil under OBIA's powerful
force. In a split second, SWORDBANE twisted
to his right... The deadly thrust of OBIA's sword hit
the ground... sparkles of fire flying from its
point... can you survive the CITY OF DEATH!

I did once have some notes and I think a map
to the game that I made,  (I  completed  it)
but I'm afraid I can't find them, so tough.

If you want to contact me, to  tell  me  you
think I'm wonderful (Unlikely)  or  want  to
put a ridiculously high bid to buy the game,
then my email is:

And my ICQ UIN is 1707958.

Have fun.

Kev Watkins

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