

Pang (128K)

You need xzx or Z80 version 3 or above to use this, as the level loader trap
is used, and only those emulators support it (at the time of writing).

At long last... thanks to Emilio Maurison for the non-working TAP on which
this datafile version is based. I tried to make the TAP work, but after an hour
of frustration have taken the easy way out. I'll make another attempt at making
it a TAP when I have the time. Actually, are there are any 128K emulators
(apart from Warajevo - which can't use TAPs anyway) that can't use the level
loader trap?

Damien Burke - -
Speccy page: also home to Emulate!, the
The Spectrum Emulator Magazine:

If you're interested, the modifications made to the game are:

C079  00         NOP
C07A  2100C6     LD   HL,#C600
C07D  EDFB       <level loader trap>
C07F  00         NOP
C080  C395C0     JP   #C095
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